CSE Construction Safety Experts

Short or Long Term Assignments

Safety professionals with a wide variety of certifications, training abilities and practical experience.

We provide experienced, high quality construction safety professionals for short or long-term assignments. Our construction safety managers and safety consultants have various backgrounds and levels of experience in construction site safety. We work with you to match a safety professional to the needs of your company.

The presence of safety personnel can be critical to maintaining a project’s smooth operation within the bounds of security.

Our onsite construction safety managers can match their expertise with a broad range of projects to safeguard success and prevent accidents.

Our goal is to provide construction sites with the qualified staffing and certified construction project safety managers needed for a wide range of projects.

Onsite Safety Professionals

We provide experienced, high quality construction safety professionals for short or long-term assignments.

Program Development/Audit

Construction Safety Experts provides a comprehensive audit of your health and safety programs, training, record keeping and accountability systems–perfect for identifying deficiencies before actual inspection.